HomeOutlookDestination CalendarPORSENI XIV: Opening Ceremony as a Rising an Achievement

PORSENI XIV: Opening Ceremony as a Rising an Achievement

MTC MEDIA Malang. Saturday on 20th 2024, Polinema greet a bunch of students who have competition in Graha Polinema halls. Today they got successfully gather all over Polytechnic Indonesia and become a home guest at Malang. It is such a glory make a successful event from gathering all over students around Indonesian to making proud of us, as a part of Malang.

Introducing of Session

Each university present their symbolic culture| photo:mtcmedia/Nadiva

Before the session started, in here they’re presented a atendees from each Province Indonesia, each institute of polytechnic all over Indonesia with holding a pride of victory that waiting front of themselves. Each university present their symbolic culture from their ethnicity, with proudly they’re hold a opportunity for victory and medallion.

Hence, with excitement as participants exchanged ethnic and shared of their journeys to this momentous event. Each polytechnic displayed intricate displays representing their cultural heritage, from traditional costumes to emblematic artifacts. The competition was more than just a test of skill; it was a celebration of Indonesia’s rich diversity and unity. As the opening ceremony commenced, speeches echoed sentiments of camaraderie and sportsmanship, inspiring all to give their best. With flags waving and hearts beating in unison, the stage was set for a spirited competition where talent, perseverance, and the spirit of unity would shine brightly.

Main Session

opening greetings from the host| photo:mtcmedia/nadiva

As the session begin, it presented by opening greetings from the host, setting a warm and welcoming tone for all attendees. People settled into their seats, exchanging friendly nods and preparing for the discussions ahead. The views with with anticipation and curiosity, each participant want to anthusiast into the day’s agenda and share insights. This was spoken by PORSENI XIV head when giving a speech at the opening of the PORSENI XIV nation level organized by the MTC Media together with Polinema staffs in the Polinema halls, Saturday (20/7).

“Hence we produce a student with skills, attitude and a line of a bridge industry. Porseni can also improve the quality of education if the strategy is right and weighty. In addition, Porseni can be a place to channel interests, talents and hobbies, especially for students. With the aim of maintaining unity among students, improving fitness and achievement with high sportsmanship, producing highly dedicated prospective successors to the nation with all their abilities and skills. Strive for the best as we achieving new compartment to us for bright future, said Dr. Drs. Arif Rahman Hakim, M.si.

As the head of Bakomna, Dede Irawan, S.T, M.T. given speech said that porteese fortuna adimna luckyness will favor the brave, show your performance of achievement and competence but first attach importance to sportsmanship, how hard it is on the field, how difficult it is on the field. Must maintain cohesiveness and sportsmanship.

Closing ceremony

opening ceremony with hall of fire| photo:mtcmedia/nadiva

Finally, the endless of the events, it covered with anthusiast with present from previous finalists holding a fire torch to starting the beginning of competition with burning the hall of fire in the centre of the hall as the finalist running away with its torch. As the hall of fire flamed, the participants as also surround in around halls. The rhythmic sound of drums filled the air, amplifying the sense of unity and shared purpose among the contenders. With each step, the finalists carried the torch forward, symbolizing the spirit of competition and the journey ahead. It was a moment charged with excitement and promise, signaling the start of a memorable contest.

It was a moment charged with excitement and promise, signaling the start of a memorable contest. The halls buzzed with anticipation as spectators leaned forward in their seats, eyes fixed on the arena below. Bright lights illuminated the scene, casting long shadows across the meticulously prepared battleground. Athletes, nerves masked by determination, stood poised at opposite ends, their breath visible in the crisp air. A hush fell over the crowd as the signal blared, unleashing a surge of energy that rippled through the air. In that electrifying moment, the contest beganβ€”a clash of skill and strategy, where each move held the promise of victory or defeat. It was a scene etched in the minds of all who witnessed it.

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