Leading up to the "Kali Brantas Festival #3" — the Yellow Troops guard the Thorough Cleaning of Mt. Brantas River
HomeOutlookDestination CalendarLeading up to the “Kali Brantas Festival #3” — the Yellow Troops guard the Thorough Cleaning of Mt. Brantas River

Leading up to the “Kali Brantas Festival #3” — the Yellow Troops guard the Thorough Cleaning of Mt. Brantas River

MTCMEDIA – Malang. The Kali Brantas Festival #3 in 2024 is somewhat different this time. The series of events is longer compared to previous years. This festival is held in commemoration of National River Day, which usually falls on July 27th. This year, it is held every Saturday and Sunday for three consecutive weeks in July.

Before Kali Brantas Festival #3

The most notable event took place on Saturday-Sunday (20-21/6) with the “Rijik Rijik Kali Brantas Festival #3” or the “Thorough Cleaning of Mt. Brantas River” held before the main event. “The Brantas River cleanup effort involves all residents along the Brantas River to care and keep the river clean from trash,” said Ki Demang, the initiator of the Kali Brantas Festival, which has now been held three times.

The Kali Brantas Festival is always held along the riverbank, so the river must be clean without any trash, and the venue must be natural. “This is how we build public awareness about environmental sustainability. Therefore, we must maintain and restore the riverbanks to function as public spaces for various activities, including arts and tourism,” said Ki Demang, whose real name is Isa Wahyudi, also the Chairman of the Malang City Pokdarwis.

Tourist Villages at Kali Brantas Festival #3

The third Kali Brantas Festival is participated by 2 tourist villages in Batu City: Sumber Brantas Village and Pendem Village, as well as 7 thematic villages in Malang City: Ceramics Village Dinoyo, Grabah Village Penanggungan, White Village Klojen, Blue Village Arema Kidul Dalem, Tridi Village Kesatrian, Colorful Village Jodipan, and Lantern Village Jodipan.

Participateur of Rijik Rijik Kali Brantas Festival #3. Malang City Pokwardis.
Participateur of Rijik Rijik Kali Brantas Festival #3. Malang City Pokwardis.

Edy Purwanto from the Malang City Environment Agency (DLH) commented, “This movement is great, initiated by the residents and involving every point of the thematic villages. Other residents should have similar agendas.” Edy, who has been accompanying the Malang City Poksarwis as the Yellow Troops Supervisor for 3 years, also added that if other local RT RW units want to clean up the river like this, they can submit proposals through their districts to the Malang City DLH for immediate follow-up.

Participants of Rijik Rijik Kali Brantas Festival #3

For the Rijik Rijik Kali Brantas Festival #3 Malang CIty always involves Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah, Perum Jasa Tirta 1 Malang serta komunitas lain seperti Tim SAR 7 Lung, Sabers Pungli dan Pemuda Pancasila and local residents.

Participateur of Rijik Rijik Kali Brantas Festival #3.
Participateur of Rijik Rijik Kali Brantas Festival #3. Malang City Pokwardis.

“From the Brantas River, we learn that civilization points, centers of life, and sources of livelihood originate here,” said Syamsul Arifin, Chairman of the Ceramics Village Dinoyo Pokdarwis, emphasizing that Malang’s ceramics and pottery also utilize the Brantas River. “Here, we must show gratitude where nature has given us life, so we must preserve the traditions of the communities along the Brantas River.”

Arief As Sidiq, the Head of Tourism in Batu City, confirmed by the Malang City Pokdarwis, stated, “Next year, all tourist villages in Batu City located in the Brantas River Basin will participate in the Brantas River cleanup for the purpose of arts and cultural tourism.” After the cleanup activities, communities can utilize it as an attractive space for arts, tourism, and even create products based on SMEs near the Brantas River.

The villages/districts traversed by the Brantas River in Batu City include 12, namely Sumber Brantas Village, Tulungrejo, Punten, Gunungsari, Sidomulyo, Pandanrejo, Giripurno, Torongrejo, Mojorejo, Pendem, as well as Sisir and Temas Subdistricts. Meanwhile, there are 20 subdistricts in Malang City, including Tlogomas, Tunggulwulung, Dinoyo, Jatimulyo, Ketawanggede, Penanggungan, Samaan, Oro Oro Dowo, Klojen, Kauman, Kidul Dalem, Kesatrian, Jodipan, Polehan, Kota Lama, Mergosono, Bumiayu, Arjowinangun, Gadang, and Kebonsari.

Coverage – Kepemerintahan Kota Malang

Article – Rizqullah Wira Fajar

Translator – Yoga Bayu Savira

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