Lantern Gebyar during the Dieng Cultural Festival | Picture: on medium
HomeOutlookDestination CalendarComing Soon! Dieng Cultural Festival in August 2024
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Coming Soon! Dieng Cultural Festival in August 2024

MTC Media – Malang. Are you looking for an unforgettable cultural experience amidst stunning natural beauty? Get ready to enjoy the charm and uniqueness of the Dieng Cultural Festival (DCF). An annual celebration held in the Dieng Plateau, Central Java. The event will take place on August 23-25, 2024. The festival not only features a variety of mesmerizing cultural event but also offers the opportunity to explore the enchanting Dieng Plateau.

Lantern Gebyar during the Dieng Cultural Festival | Picture: on medium
Lantern Gebyar during the Dieng Cultural Festival | Picture: on medium

One of the main attractions of the festival is the mystical atmosphere created by the combination of natural and cultural majesty. The various events at this festival include Jazz on the clouds, cultural carnival and lantern gebyar which is one of the most awaited events every year. Not only that, the festival also offers a range of exciting activities for visitors. You can participate in various arts and crafts workshops, taste some samples of Dieng’s culinary specialties, and also take a tour guided by locals. Alternatively, you can contact our community to serve as your tour guide at Everything about this event, you can learn more on the official website at DCF 2024.

Visiting this Festival is a chance to escape your daily routine and experience the peace and beauty of nature. The cool and beautiful Dieng Plateau will refresh your mind and soul. Coupled with the warm and friendly hospitality of the locals, you will definitely feel right at home. So, mark your calendar and don’t miss the chance to visit the Dieng Cultural Festival in August 23-25, 2024. Experience the mesmerizing cultural charm, enjoy the breathtaking natural beauty, and take home unforgettable memories from Dieng.

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